Banco modulare per prove meccaniche su accessori moda quali ganci e chiusure di borsette.
Pomeriggio di formazione per tutto il Team TP
From Virtual to Reality 😀
We present you our MINI FP2, a desk-top machinery for high-cycle fatigue tests.
TP engineering srl has just delivered the MINI FP2 test system to the Institute for Sensors, Photonics and Manufacturing Technologies in Niklasdorf, part of JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, the well-known research institution.–vu3?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
TP Engineering is pleased to announce that at the beginning of 2023 it has become a Benefit Corporation. Formally, our commitment to the pursuit of purposes of common benefit in the exercise of our technical and economic activities has been declared in the company statute. Concretely, the identification, development and reporting of annual initiatives consistent […]
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]ITALSIGMA and TP Engineering formalize their cooperation with the announcement of a partnership for the customization and marketing of a revolutionary fatigue test methodology that combines specimen miniaturization and a dedicated, desktop test equipment. Read full article Comunicato_Italsigma-TPengineering_20230112[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
Il nostro laboratorio di prova é grado di sviluppare ed eseguire prove meccaniche su componenti di biciclette secondo la norma EN ISO 4210.
Sono disponibili al link le presentazioni gentilmente fornite dai Relatori dell’evento “Progettazione, produzione additiva e qualifica di parte metalliche” organizzato a Parma il 27 giugno scorso
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